Paul Breitenbach: 2018 Gold’s Gym Challenge Essay
Another holiday season had passed the excesses and I knew I needed to reduce weight and get bad: in shape. The only way I’d make progress and have any likelihood of success was going to be joining the Gold’s Gym 12-Week Challenge. I’d been here before. I know it’s a great program to get into shape, improve on diet, nutrition and look and feel better. The mechanisms for success for me were good direction, accountability and determination. Once the commitment was made, I felt an obligation to give the program my best effort and began going to the facility daily. The first two weeks of working out is the hardest part of challenge. During the beginning stages of exercising I would feel weak, out of breath and run down. By the start of the third week I started to see improvements in strength and stamina. More results could be seen week by week and with it gave me the boost of confidence I really needed. Each day I would look forward to coming to Gold’s to continue my program. My interest in fitness and nutrition grew as the program continued and fueled my aspiration to complete the program with substantial results.
It is without doubt that if the Gold’s Gym didn’t have the Challenge, I would have never made any attempt to return to the gym and make an effort to improve myself. The results have been fantastic. I have a ton of energy and my overall strength has improved. My cholesterol and blood pressure are bad: down and I feel great.
I owe a great thanks to my wife Christine for all of her support during the program. I also would like to thank our trainers Gigi & Sarah for their assistance and encouragement in keeping me on task and for making this program a great and life changing experience.