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A Checklist to Kick Off the Gold’s Gym Challenge

Begin your journey with these important steps.

by goldsgym

Congratulations! You took an important first step: You signed up for the 2020 Gold’s Gym Challenge.

You’ve come to the right place if you are ready to experience change. The Gold’s Gym Challenge is about different types of transformation: physical, emotional and mental. Gold’s Gym will be your coach and a resource for you every step of the way.

Get the most out of the Gold’s Gym Challenge by following our checklist to help you prepare for your 12-week journey.

  • Take your “before” measurements and photos.
    Be sure to schedule and take your “before” measurements and photos with a trainer. This is your official starting point.
  • Talk with a Gold’s Gym personal trainer.
    Our personal trainers are here to help you! We set the industry standard for fitness, so if you have a question, ask one of our certified personal trainers or coaches. Complimentary fitness plans are available at many Gold’s Gym locations. This is a great way to start the Gold’s Gym Challenge with a plan.
  • Join the Gold’s Gym Challenge Facebook group.
    This is the place to ask questions and find other supportive people, which are key ingredients to success. This community includes current and past Gold’s Gym Challenge participants as well as people just getting started. Introduce yourself and say hello.
  • Share your success on social media.
    Posting to social media is a great motivator and a nice way to build a community where you can share your journey. Tag @goldsgym and use #GGChallenge2020 when you share on your social media channels.
  • Get fitness in your calendar.
    Hold yourself accountable by setting up calendar reminders for midpoint check-ins and final weigh-ins. If you need reminders for the gym, put those in, too.
  • Consider new gear.
    Get ready for the Gold’s Gym Challenge by treating yourself to new fitness gear. You’re going to transform your life in 12 weeks — you can transform your closet, too. Comfort and performance are important. (And you can get started with some Gold’s Gear.)
  • Try something new.
    Your body will feel good if you try new things. Take a group exercise class or familiarize yourself with a new piece of equipment by asking one of our personal trainers.
  • Give yourself a high-five!
    You’ve signed up for the Gold’s Gym Challenge. That’s a big step — and, for every day you participate, you should be proud for becoming a stronger version of yourself.

Your fitness journey is yours alone, but you don’t have to do it by yourself. Gold’s Gym is here for you every step of the way. That means every time you go to the gym, we want to help you go one step further on your journey. Remember, every stride can lead to real change — what will you accomplish in 12 weeks?

Try these fitness and nutrition articles from our experts:

3 Common Gym Mistakes to Avoid

Tips for Creating the Perfect Healthy Plate

Are Fitness Trackers Worth It? Yes, If You Make Them So.



What started out in 1965 as a small gym in Venice Beach, California has since become the most well-known and traditional fitness company in the world – Gold’s Gym. Over the last 55 years, Gold’s Gym has developed into a global brand with over 600 locations spanning 6 continents. Bodybuilding greats such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lou Ferrigno and Franco Columbu worked out at the original Gold’s Gym, which went on to become the most legendary gym in the world. In the fitness industry, the brand enjoys cult status and universal appeal with 96% aided brand awareness. In 2020, the RSG Group acquired Gold’s Gym and integrated the brand into its portfolio, making it the global leader in the fitness sector.

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